Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card

Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card
Publisher- Simon Pulse
genre- Science fiction
Learn about it- (shelfari) (goodreads)
buy it here
rating 5

Rigg's no normal teenager. Raised in the secluded woods with no one but his father raising him, he never really realized how special he really was. Rigg can see the paths of any living creature around him, he can tell where they've gone, come from and who was there. It's a skill that comes in handy. Especially after father dies and he sets off on a quest to find his birth mother and sister after years of separation. With some unlikely friends, and some extraordinary gemstones, he'll set off on the adventure of his life.

Wow. wowowowowowow. there are good books and their are really good books and then there are books like this.

The story line was captivating. and event thought it was almost 700 pages long i felt like it was fine. (I usually don't like to read super long books....) I liked the supernatural-ness mixed into the si fy. And as you may have predicted, Rigg isn't the only one with a special gift. I liked how they went from ram's POV aussi, However it confused me and i often found myself skimming those sections. even though it did make sense toward the ends. I also didn't really understand the whole ram being replicated into 17 parts... (or is it 7?) anyway i still loved it despite some confusion.

If you've read anything else by OSC you know how amazing his books are. and he's like extremely smart. Writes amazing futuristic books that are some how appealing and addicting for both teenagers and adults.

Also the covers gorgeous, the "world" is intriguing, and I really really really want to find out what comes next. So i will be patiently and anxiously awaiting what comes next in the series.


(haha, J'adore txt spk...)

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